Our service operations are underpinned by a dedication to the delivery of effective planned and preventative asset interaction. 

Ensuring correct and adjusted operation on a regular basis is essential to achieve a reduction of failures and improvement of availability, demonstrating value and benefit to all parties. All equipment fails at some point during its designed lifecycle; however, it is how this matter is attended to and resolved that truly adds value to clients and passengers.


Our simple and client focused service model has four levels – Basic, Semi Comprehensive, Fully Comprehensive and client led Bespoke agreements. These provide flexibility for all clients in managing their legal responsibilities and servicing needs.


Precision works closely with all clients to determine their needs and offers a designed proposal to deliver a solution based on their requirements, not just what we have to offer. This partnership approach enables all parties to have full confidence in the delivery of essential compliance interactions.


Utilising specialist supply chain partners and held spare parts, we minimise delay through continual review of common parts and installation asset dilapidation upon all new portfolio additions. This front foot approach really delivers and ensures our ability to demonstrate our added value. We target to reduce impact and downtime whilst using clear and consistent communication is prioritised throughout our delivery.

If you would like to get in touch, give us a call, email, or find our office locations.

Related case studies

In June 2015 Precision Lifts started a contract awarded by London Borough of Redbridge to complete the full replacement of an existing traction lift.

Sureserve Group